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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire owned by Nintendo. Images used for educational purposes only. |
Abomasite - Located on Route 123. Check in the far north of the Berry orchard to the west of the Berry Master's home.
Absolite - Located in the Safari Zone. You'll find it in the southwestern corner of the Zone; the Acro Bike is required to reach it, as you have to cross several thin rails.
Aerodactylite - Located at Meteor Falls. Once you have access to the upper half of Meteor Falls via Surf and Dive, ascend through the area until you find a series of watery steps leading south in one large room. Hop down these sticks, sticking to the left side, and you’ll find the Aerodactylite near the bottom of the descent.
Aggronite - Located in Rusturf Tunnel, between Rustboro City and Verdanturf Town. The Martial Artist boyfriend will give it to you if you enter the Tunnel with Rock Smash on one of your pokemon.
Alakazite - Located in Slateport City. Pop into the marketplace on the west side of the city, and look near the woman manning the stall in the bottom-left corner of the market. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Altarianite - Located in Lilycove City. Not far from the Pokemon Center is a fan club for groupies of Lisia. A man standing out front of the fan club will ask you to show him a particular pokemon; put an Altaria at the front of your party and he’ll hand over the Mega Stone.
Ampharosite - Located in New Mauville. Once you gain access to this small area, look in the second room in the north. It’s at the end of the path.
Audinite - Located in the Battle Resort. Look along the beach to find a cut scene (Looker!), then check the huts to the east of the Battle Maison. The eastern-most hut contains the amnesiac from before. He'll hand over the Mega Stone.
Banettite - Located on Mt. Pyre. After ascending to the top of Mt. Pyre's exterior, have a look through the ruins on the east side of the central path.
Beedrillite - Located on the Sea Mauville. You need to complete a series of puzzles to reach the Sea Mauville’s Storage Room, where the Beedrillite waits.
Blastoisinite - Located on the S.S. Tidal. Look on the starboard side of the deck (starboard is right, right?).
Blazikenite - Either given to you by Steven on Route 120 if Torchic was your starter or purchased from an old man on Route 114 for $1,500. The stone you need to purchase is called ‘Fading Fire’.
Cameruptite - Either given to you by Leader Maxie near the end of the Delta Episode (OR) or by Leader Archie when you first arrive at the Battle Resort (AS).
Charizardite X - Located in the Fiery Path. You’ll find it off the main path, along a side route that requires Strength to access. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Charizardite Y - Located in Scorched Slab. It’s found in the southwest corner of Scorched Slab's lower level. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Diancite - Gained by trading a Diancie to Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire and visiting a Pokemon Center.
Galladite - Located in Fallarbor Town. Speak to Professor Cozmo in his house after beating the Delta Episode.
Garchompite - Located in Fortree City. Speak to Aarune after capturing 1,000 flags from other Secret Bases.
Gardevoirite - Located in Verdanturf Town. Speak to Wanda, Wally’s cousin, after beating the Delta Episode.
Gengarite - Located at the Battle Resort. Get down on the beach and look for a small hut. The Mega Stone is inside, along with a slew of vitamin-esque items.
Glalitite - Located in the Shoal Cave, on the bottom-most level (y’know, the one that’s rather appropriately coated in ice). You need to come here at low tide with the Mach Bike to get to the Mega Stone.
Gyaradosite - Located on Route 123. Travel to the fishing shack from the eastern side of the Route (accessible via Mt. Pyre and Route 122) and scratch the Poochyena inside the shack. It will spit out the Mega Stone. Ew.
Heracronite - Located on Route 127. Follow the rocky terrain on the east side of the Route. Look for a series of shallows.
Houndoomite - Located in Lavaridge Town. You’ll find it near the heaps of sand on the west side of town, to the south of the hot springs. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Kangaskhanite - Located in Pacifidlog Town. You’ll find it beside the Pokemon Center’s sign; you’ll need Surf to reach it. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Latiasite / Latiosite - Attached to your Latios (OR) or Latias (AS) once you receive it while traversing Route 118. You can receive the opposite Mega Stone by speaking to your mother in Littleroot Town, after completing the Delta Episode.
Lopunnite - Located in Mauville City. After gaining access to Mauville Hills you’ll find a man in a black suit standing outside one of the apartments (east side). Speak to him and watch a little cut scene. He’ll disappear. Leave the screen and come back to make him reappear, then speak to him again.
Lucarionite - Complete Master Rank Pokemon Contest Spectaculars in all five categories, then win one further Master Rank Contest against Lisia.
Manectite - Located on Route 110. It’s found on a small side path near the northern entrance of Cycling Road.
Mawilite - Located on Route 117. You'll find it through the southern flower field, just east of Verdanturf Town.
Medichamite - Located on Mt. Pyre. You'll find it on the top floor of Mt. Pyre's interior.
Metagrossite - Given by Steven when defeating him a second time at the Pokemon League.
Mewtwonite X - Located in Littleroot Town. Found to the left of the Pokemon Lab. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Mewtwonite Y - Located at Ever Grande City. Found to the left of the entrance to the Pokemon League.
Pidgeotite - Located in Rustboro City. There’s a little girl in Verdanturf Town who has lost her Shroomish. Check the sign south of the Pokemon Center after speaking with her to find it. She’ll give you an Intriguing Stone as thanks. Take it to Mr. Stone at the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City and he’ll reveal it to be Pidgeotite.
Pinsirite - Located on Route 124. Surf southwest from the Shard shack. You'll find a Dive point past a pair of trainers (Sis & Bro). The underwater passage leads to the Mega Stone.
Sablenite - Located in Sootopolis. Head to the central platform of Sootopolis, just south of the Cave of Origin, then cross the eastern bridge. The Mega Stone is at the end of this short path.
Salamencite - Located in Meteor Falls. Speak to the woman standing near the entrance of Meteor Falls after beating the Delta Episode and she’ll hand over the Mega Stone. She can also re-teach Dragon Ascent to your Raquaza if you replace it with a different move. Dragon Ascent is needed for Rayquaza to Mega Evolve.
Sceptilite - Either given to you by Steven on Route 120 if Treecko was your starter or purchased from an old man on Route 114 for $1,500. The stone you need to purchase is called 'Withered Tree'.
Scizorite - Located in Petalburg Woods. You’ll find it in the northeastern section of the Woods, accessible via Cut. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Sharpedonite - Either given to you by Leader Archie near the end of the Delta Episode (AS) or by Leader Archie when you first arrive at the Battle Resort (OR).
Slowbronite - Located in Shoal Cave. Find four Shoal Salts and four Shoal Shells and take them to the old man at the entrance of Shoal Cave. He’ll make you a Shell Bell - and, as an extra prize, he’ll hand over Slowbronite.
Steelixite - Located in Granite Cave, on the lowest floor. You’ll need the Mach Bike to reach the bottom.
Swampertite - Either given to you by Steven on Route 120 if Mudkip was your starter or purchased from an old man on Route 114 for $1,500. The stone you need to purchase is called Ebb Tide.
Tyranitarite - Located on the Jagged Pass. Drop down the ledges of the Pass while sticking to the far right side of the route. The Mega Stone is beside a patch of grass. The Acro Bike is recommended, but not a necessity. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
Venusaurite - Located on Route 119. Look in the bare patch in the tall grass just south of the house with all the Wingulls where you can rest. Only found after dealing with Groudon or Kyogre.
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