The Boiling Sea is available as a map when you first set foot in Roaring Valley, purchasable for 1,000 St. This appears to be the only way to reach the Boiling Sea. (Though you should probably check out the Roaring Valley first. It's a bit easier, aside from the Archwings.)
Boiling Sea - Coastal Hot Springs - Enemies
- Coatl
- Lizardman Marauder
- Lizardman Sentry
- Pale Spiritbeak
- Spectral Soul
- Stormrise Coatl
First thing of note: The enemies. If you went to Roaring Valley first you’ll find most of these foes rather familiar. As such, you should be more than prepared to tackle Boiling Sea. There are a few newcomers to trouble you, as well:
- Lizardman Sentries. Strictly physical hitters. Smack them around and defend yourself. These guys appear as shadows in the water, and seemingly under no other conditions.
- Lizardman Marauders. These pink versions of the Sentries hit harder and can take more abuse. They're otherwise identical, and don't show up very often.
- Stormrise Coatls. Essentially more advanced versions of Coatls - and often appearing in clusters of their lesser kin - they hit a lot harder and can take more abuse. Wipe them out first, if you can, since normal Coatls aren't much of a threat by this point.
- Although we've seen Pale Spiritbeaks before, their Combustion attacks are much stronger since this area has a Fire-leaning. Wipe them out first or they will obliterate your HP.
In addition to the baddies you’ll find white spots in the watery areas. Step on these at the wrong times and they’ll erupt with superheated water and damage your characters. They're not that difficult to avoid, as long as you're paying attention.
You start off in the southwest corner of the map. Wander northeast and you’ll find an ancient machine which you can - and should - activate. This will not only make Water elementals flood into the area, but it will allow you to cross some of the watery areas nearby. This is a necessity for traversing the area. Beside the pedestal is a nest of eggs which you can attempt to plunder to face a large group of Coatls. Beat them for a Giant Egg.
Head north from the first island, across the water. There’s a potential Sparkle on one of the rocks along the western wall, and on the northern-most island you’ll find two nests. Just east of this island is another rocky outcropping with a potential Sparkle.
There are two eastern exits from this map, one in the north and one in the south. If you followed these directions you’ll finish the map by heading south, so we’ll start there.
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Boiling Sea - Shoreline Trail - Enemies
- Coatl
- Lizardman Marauder
- Lizardman Sentry
- Pale Spiritbeak
- Spectral Soul
- Stormrise Coatl
Trek here from the Coastal Hot Springs and you'll show up on the west side of the map. Head east to find another small island with two potential Chests. There’s not much else to see down here - you’re blocked from heading too far east - so head north. There’s an ancient device in the northwest, a yellow pedestal that will net you a Giant Egg roughly in the middle of the area, and plenty of chances for Sparkles and Chests. Watch out for water spouts, as they’re much more numerous out there.
Your destination’s in the northeast, but don’t go there yet. Explore the eastern islands first. There are two more nests down here, and in the southeast corner of the map you’ll find a singing stone. It offers up a Whispering Shard for the Enkindle charm. Once you have this, wander to the northeast to find an exit, leading to the Seaside Ruins. That's all for the Boiling Sea.
IMPORTANT NOTE! The Boiling Sea will be eliminated from The Legend of Legacy as an explorable area in the not-too-distant future. It's the only area that suffers this treatment. There's not a ton to see here, aside from the Whispering Shard on Shoreline Trail, but make sure you fully explore the Boiling Sea before you collect all three Singing Shards, activate all three sets of Ruins, and visit the cairn in Deserted Village.
IMPORTANT NOTE! The Boiling Sea will be eliminated from The Legend of Legacy as an explorable area in the not-too-distant future. It's the only area that suffers this treatment. There's not a ton to see here, aside from the Whispering Shard on Shoreline Trail, but make sure you fully explore the Boiling Sea before you collect all three Singing Shards, activate all three sets of Ruins, and visit the cairn in Deserted Village.