Palet is gone, and the mystery of the Plant's mutant problems has been resolved. Nina believes this is enough to earn Ryu and company another passport to the eastern lands... though when you enter Wyndia, Nina will tell Ryu to stay put. He's still considered a kidnapper. Nina will take Rei along with her to get the passport.
Head up to Castle Wyndia with Nina in the lead. Once inside she'll give the king a rundown on what happened, and while a passport is being prepared Nina will offer to give Rei a tour of the castle. Everyone has something new to say - Nina's mother is especially vocal - but there are no new items to gather on the upper floor, assuming you fully scoured the castle during your previous visit.
Head down to the basement. Nina and Rei will discover that Honey followed them, and this time Nina grabs the little mechanical doll before she can run off again. If you check the dungeon with Rei in the lead you'll discover that he can open the cell doors, allowing him to get at a chest containing a Laurel. It's inside Ryu's old cell.
The team will reunite after this, and it appears that Nina's coming along after all. No big surprise there. Garr suggests that everyone make haste for the Checkpoint before it gets closed, though you'll have no problems crossing into the eastern lands again.
- Dauna Region - The basement of Emitai's hut, near the Dauna Mine
- Yraall Region - The basement of a home to the west of McNeil
- Wyndia - The basement of Durandal's hut, on the outskirts of Wyndia
- Relay Point A - Currently locked