Main Walkthrough

Each member of your party in Octopath Traveler has a Primary Job, and it defines the extent of their abilities at the beginning of the game. Osvald is a Scholar, Castti is an Apothecary, Temenos is a Cleric, Ochette is a Hunter, Partitio is a Merchant, Agnea is a Dancer, Throné is a Thief, and Hikari is a Warrior. Your characters can never change their Primary Job, and will always have access to their Skills.

In addition to a Primary Job, however, each character can also equip a Secondary Job. Secondary Jobs allow each character to take on a different set of abilities, applying JP they've earned to purchase Skills in that Job. Throné can become a Scholar, for example, or Ochette a Warrior, and they have access to all of the same basic Skills as Osvald and Hikari. (This does not include specialty abilities unique to a character, such as Hikari's Learned Skills, or any Latent Powers.)

In order to equip Secondary Jobs on your characters you must first unlock the Job by visiting its Guild. Spread throughout Solistia are eight Job Guilds, and by speaking to the Guild Master you can acquire a Job License. You can then equip that Job on a character. You can unlock up to three Job Licenses for each Job, allowing up to four characters (three plus the original) to use the same Job at once. Job Licenses beyond the first have prerequisites that must be fulfilled before you'll receive a License.

Guild Locations and License Requirements

Scholars Guild

Location: Western Winterbloom Snows, in a house in the northwest of the map
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Turn in five Ancient Sentinel Cores, dropped and stolen from non-elemental Sentinels, Guardians, and Curators throughout the game
  • Third License - Turn in five Almighty Soulstones, dropped and stolen from larger Elementals found throughout the game 

Apothecaries Guild

Location: Conning Creek, in a house to the south of the Inn
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Turn in three Herb-of-Grace Buds, dropped and stolen from Giant Gators in the Sinking Ruins
  • Third License - Turn in three Primeval Horn Elixirs, dropped and stolen from Devil Deers in House Wellows Manor

Clerics Guild

Location: Borderfall, in a chapel in the northwest of the area
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Turn in the High Priest's Amulet, collected by defeating the boss of the Starfall Spring, a dungeon near Cropdale
  • Third License - Turn in the High Priest's Book of Scripture, collected by defeating the boss of the Infernal Castle, a dungeon beneath the wall outside Stormhail - you'll need to bring three NPCs along to access the dungeon

Hunters Guild

Location: Western Tropu'hopu Traverse, in a hidden grove on the west side of the map, just north of the exit to Beasting Bay: Anchorage
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Turn in the Quicksand Monster's Liver, dropped by the Lord of the Sands in the Quicksand Gaol
  • Third License - Turn in the Sea Monster's Whisker, dropped by the Scourge of the Sea in On the Water

Merchants Guild

License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - 100,000 leaves
  • Third License - 300,000 leaves

Dancers Guild

Location: Wellgrove, in a house on the city's upper level
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Teach one character Sealticge's Seduction
  • Third License - Teach two characters Sealticge's Seduction

Thieves Guild

Location: Clockbank: Industrial District, through a door hidden behind some crates on the west side of the area - the guild is only active at night 
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Turn in the Thieves' Gem, which you can Steal from the elderly Townsperson standing at the entrance of Clockbank during the day
  • Third License - Turn in the Master Thief's Sapphire Stone, which is located in a chest on the Shipwreck of the Empress
Warriors Guild

Location: Sai, in the northern dojo
License Requirements:
  • First License - Find the Guild
  • Second License - Teach one character Brand's Blade
  • Third License - Teach two characters Brand's Blade

Advanced Jobs

In addition to the eight 'normal' Jobs there are four Advanced Jobs in Octopath Traveler II. They are, on average, more powerful than the starting Jobs, but they also require more effort to acquire and master. You can only equip these Jobs on one character at a time.


The easiest of the Advanced Jobs to acquire, the Inventor Job is supplied by Arkar, who lives in a house on the Eastern New Delsta Highroad. In order to acquire the Skills associated with this Job you need to bring a wide variety of materials to Arkar, which he will turn into inventions that you can use in combat.

Skills unlocked by helping Arkar are applied to everyone in your party, without the need for expending JP.


To unlock the Armsmaster Job you need to travel to Gravell, a town in the north of the Wildlands, and the setting of Osvald's final chapter. The first house you spot upon entering Gravell belongs to Porta, a blacksmith, though you can't get in until you defeat the Debt Collector blocking the doorway. Bring Porta a single Rusty weapon and he'll unlock the Armsmaster Job for you.

Similar to the Inventor Job, you need to bring items to Porta to unlock all of the Armsmaster Skills. They're automatically known to your entire party, though in order to use them your Armsmaster must equip the divine weapon associated with the Skill.


The Arcanist Job is acquired by speaking to the Arcanist Descendent, who lives on The Lost Isle. You'll need a boat, as well as the strength to defeat the Scourge of the Seas, to reach the dungeon. Once there, proceed to the sign to the north of the entrance and check the upper-left corner of the platform. There's an invisible path leading west that will take you to the Arcanist Descendent.


The Conjurer Job is acquired by climbing the Five-Tiered Tower, a unique, boss-oriented dungeon in Ku, and defeating the Conjurer of the Tower who lives at the top. In order to gain free access to Ku you must first complete Hikari's storyline.